Before You Replace A Roof In Palisades Park, NJ, There Are 7 Things You Need To Know

You should read this guide before you hire just anyone to replace your roof. In this guide, we’ll give you 7 tips and important things to think about when you need to start planning to replace your roof.

Are you getting wet on the head? What if moss starts to grow on your roof? A storm may have caused damage to your roof.


All of these are bad signs that your roof may need to be replaced right away. But it costs a lot to replace a roof. You shouldn’t do it until you’ve done a little research first.

Here are seven things you should know before you get a new roof.

1. Materials for roofs

The price of your new roof will depend directly on the material you choose. Not only does the price of the material matter, but so does the amount of work and time it will take to put it in place.


Think carefully about your choices. To save money, it might seem like a good idea to go with a cheap solution like asphalt shingles. But if you spend a little more on a stronger material that will last longer, it could save you money in the long run.

But what if you don’t plan to stay in the house long enough to enjoy your investment? A house with a better roof will be worth more when it comes time to sell it. Even if you plan to sell your house in a few years, it’s a good idea to have a good, solid roof.

2. Take off your old roof or cover it

Find out if you have to take the old roof off before you start. You can save a lot of money on installation costs if the new roof can be put on top of the old one.


But there are a few things that can change this. First of all, because asphalt shingles are heavy, they can only have two layers. So, if you’ve already put something on your roof, you have to take it off.


Remember that shingles don’t stick to each other as well as they stick to the roof. This means that if you live in a windy place, you should probably take off the old roof before putting on the new one.


Also, stripping your roof first is a good idea if it is in really bad shape. Your roofer might not be able to see structural problems or damage if the old shingles are still in the way.

3. Choosing a Builder

When choosing a significant other, you shouldn’t go with the first contractor who gives you a big smile and compliments you. Okay, maybe it’s not exactly the same, but you should look around.


There are a lot of roofing scams, and these companies often pop up after storms that may have damaged roofs. Make sure to look into the contractor’s credentials in detail. Before you choose a company, look for reviews online and try to talk to people who have used that company before.


You should also check to see if the company has the right insurance. In fact, if you want to fully protect yourself, you should ask the contractor’s insurance company for a letter confirming that they have the right insurance.


If a worker gets hurt on your property and you don’t have the right insurance, it could cause you a lot of trouble.

4. Find out about the guarantee

You should also pay close attention to the warranty, which is another important part of the puzzle. Investing a lot of money in a roof is a big deal.


You shouldn’t have to worry about broken things. After all, that’s why you pay people to do it for you. But make sure your new roof comes with a good warranty. If it doesn’t, you might end up having to deal with the roofers.


Different warranties cover different things, so make sure you know what they do and don’t cover. Also, if you don’t get a building permit or do something else that can void your warranty.

5. Look at the small print

Read the fine print always, always, always. We know that going through the contract with a fine-toothed comb on a Saturday afternoon isn’t your idea of a good time. But think about how many hours you’d have to work to pay for a mistake on your roof.


A careful look-over doesn’t sound so bad, does it?

6. Your homeowner's insurance may be able to help

All of this has some good news in it. Your homeowner’s insurance may help pay for a new roof in some cases.


Most of the time, this happens when something other than age or normal wear and tear hurts your roof. This could be caused by a fire or storm damage.


Just don’t try to get the insurance company to help pay by setting fire to an old roof. It’s against the law, it’s not right, and you could get into a lot of trouble if you do it.


If things in your home, like furniture or clothes, were damaged, you may also be able to get money for that. Also, if the damage is so bad that you have to move out for a while, insurance may help pay for your temporary living costs.

7. Don't pay until you see the magnet

Our last thing to know is probably not something most people will think about. After all, most homeowners don’t know what goes into a normal roof replacement.


If you had to tear off your old roof to put on the new one, there are probably a BILLION nails in your yard. Okay, maybe not a billion, but a lot.


A good contractor will bring a magnet on wheels and go over the whole area to pick up all the nails. If your contractor comes for the final payment and seems to have “forgotten” this small thing, remind him gently before giving him the cash.


You don’t want to have to deal with the hassle of having nails in your tires (or your feet!) because the contractor skipped this step.

You are now ready to replace a roof

You probably didn’t know there was so much to learn before replacing a roof. Before you give anyone money or sign a contract, think about these things. This will keep you safe and help you get a good new roof at the same time.

Contact us right away if you want to find out more or get a quote. We’re happy to help with everything you need for your roof.
